Working group
Since 2005, the working group “Stolpersteine in Fürstenwalde/Spree” has been embedding handmade brass memorial plaques in pavements to commemorate the victims of National Socialism in Fürstenwalde. It has also been carrying out its own research and collecting relevant information, as well as tracking down descendants of survivors, not to mention staying in touch with them.
The initiative is complemented by projects with different thematic focusses that are all organised within the framework of youth and educational work. The working group brings together people from the town and its surrounding area with an interest in history, society and politics. Several institutions and bodies are taking part in the project, including the One World Project of the Protestant Youth Ministry in the ecclesiastical district of Oderland-Spree, Kulturfabrik Fürstenwalde gGmbH with the Fürstenwalde Museum, the charitable foundation Stiftung Samariteranstalten Fürstenwalde and the Association for Local History Fürstenwalde.
Apart from donations, the working group receives project-based funding from the federal programme Demokratie Leben! (“Living Democracy”) of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ).
Our projects
For the laying of the Stolpersteine the group cooperates closely with the team around the artist Gunter Demnig, who first conceived the idea and turned it into reality with the project KunstDenkmal STOLPERSTEINE in Cologne in 1992.
The maintenance of the Stolpersteine that have already been laid is carried out by sponsors who have made “cleaning pledges” for individual stones. We would like to thank the following private individuals and institutions for their cooperation:
Our partners
- One World Project of the Protestant Youth Ministry in the ecclesiastical district of Oderland-Spree
- Kulturfabrik Fürstenwalde
- Museum of the Town of Fürstenwalde
- Samaritan Institutions Fürstenwalde
- Coordination Office “Demokratie leben!” / Town of Fürstenwalde
- Parkclub Fürstenwalde
- Association for the Local History of Fürstenwalde
- Congregation of St Mary’s Cathedral
- FAW Oberschule Briesen (secondary school)
- Katholische Schule Bernhardinum (Catholic school)
- Geschwister Scholl Gymnasium (grammar school)
- Landesjugendring Brandenburg e.V.
- Zusammen in Neuendorf (Together in Neuendorf)
- Initiative “Their Last Way”
- Action alliance against violence, right‑wing extremism and xenophobia
- Stolpersteine Frankfurt (Oder) and Słubice